Here is how to add our email address to your address book or contacts for reasons of improving delivery to in-box!
In Gmail
- Open your Contacts list by clicking Gmail in the top-left corner of your Gmail page, then choose Contacts. If you're a Google Apps user, click Mail and then Contacts.
- In the top-left corner, click New Contact.
- Enter your contact's information in the appropriate fields. Any information you add will save automatically.
In Yahoo!, click the Contacts icon
to open up your Yahoo Contacts.

- Click New Contact.
- Enter the contact's information.- Only part of the contact's name is required.
- Click Save.
In Hotmail
- From your inbox, in the left-hand panel click on "Contact List.
- Click "New."
- Type or copy and paste the sender’s email address in the e-mail field, and click "Save" at the top of the page.
To add us to your safe list (to allow images and links):
- From your mailbox screen, click to open a message from the sender whose information you’d like to add to your safe list.
- Underneath the subject line, next to the email address, click on the link that says "Mark as Safe."
In Outlook
- After opening the email, put your cursor on the email address and then right click on it. You will see the option window showing up. Then select Add to Outlook Contacts.
- When you click on Add to Outlook Contacts, there will be a contact information dialog popup. Fill in the blank column with the contacts information. Then click Save & Close button. Now the contact was completely saved.